Jazz Dialogues. Ivo Perelman

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Jazz Dialogues. Ivo Perelman.

Jazz Convention: Tell me about the meaning and form of your new CD?

Ivo Perelman: I always enjoyed playing Trio formats, bass, saxophone and drums. I never tried playing with electric base but when I heard Pandi playing with his band the Slobber Pup at the Stone I was mesmerized by what I heard, and immediately Joe Morris base play came to mind, although I never heard him play electric base till then, I was sure it was a perfect fit for Pandi’s drumming.

JC: What is your first memory of jazz?

IP: My first memory of Jazz was listening to Stan Getz both sonata’s in the 70’s while I was in my teens being in Brazil and loving its music. It was only natural I would be attracted to the jazzified Bossa Novas.

JC: What motivated you?

IP: No reason, Just a very strong calling ever since I was six years old when I first started playing the guitar. Saxophone came at a later time around my late teens.

JC: Reasons for playing jazz?

IP: As I was studying classical music on the guitar and clarinet, I realized that I would never feel comfortable interpreting someone else’s written music. From the beginning of my musical studies I had an urge to improvise and be creative. I never really enjoyed reading music, I would drive my teachers crazy as I would pretend that I was reading the music while I was actually improvising or playing memorized versions of the composition.

JC: Is your music free jazz?

IP: Yes it is true; in the sense that I naturally shy away from comfortable safe situations and play the moment. I try to never repeat myself and create fresh music to the best of my ability. Therefore, freedom becomes an important component of the process. So I can be free to express myself without preconceived pathways.

JC: Define your music.

IP: Moving masses of energy.

JC: Masters in music

IP: Bach, Bela Bartok, Charlie Parker and Albert Ayler.

JC: Best moment of your career as a musician?

IP: Now…

JC: Which Jazz albums that you recorded do you love?

IP: I love them all, but I am enamored with my most recent recorded albums.

JC: Ideas and concepts of jazz music.

IP: Sculpting in mid-air; unstable sound masses.

JC: As you see, in general, the present of jazz music?

IP: Very stimulating with a number of great musicians coming into the scene.

JC: Your musical future?

IP: My musical plans for the future are to keep exploring the vast potential of the saxophone and keep playing with like-minded musicians.